Our legal team 

Partners and Associates 

Our Law Boutique undertakes legal cases in cooperation with a multitude of lawyers, law firms, but also other professionals (engineers, environmentalists, foresters, etc.) from all over Greece. Solving complex cases is based on interdisciplinarity and the friendly cooperation of many scientists.

Members of his team can be easily found below.

Elli - Kyriaki Anastopoulou, Senior Partner 

Attorney-at-Law, PhD UoA, LLM Cambridge
Administrative and Banking Law Partner

Elli Anastopoulou is an Athens lawyer and current PhD holder of Law School of Athens, from which she graduated with honors. The topic of the doctoral thesis concerns "Liability of Supervisory and Resolution Authorities in the European Banking Union". She also obtained from the same school a master's degree specializing in Public Law and Public European Banking Law with the thesis topic "Resolution under the BRRD? the bail-in tool''

She also holds an LL.M from the University of Cambridge, specializing in commercial, financial, international dispute resolution and intellectual property law.

Professionally, she specializes in Public, Administrative and Financial Law, European Banking Law, Banking Supervision and Money Laundering Law.

She has extensive work experience abroad - among others - as a legal advisor:
  • to the European Central Bank (ECB),
  • to the European Banking Authority (EBA) and
  • in the OECD.

She has completed an internship at the legal service of the Hellenic Parliament and also has experience at a Greek law firm.

Finally, she practices law in national and European courts.

Scientifically and academically she is active as she has written two books in the Greek language, has authored a collective volume in the English language related to her above interests, has published articles in the legal press and participates as a Young Researcher at the European Banking Institute where she is - among others - responsible for the coordination of the Young Researchers Group, the overview of European jurisprudence, the scientific contribution to working groups and the organization of events and workshops.

Finally, she has gained teaching experience in London as she worked as a tutor at Oxford Summer Courses Ltd.
She speaks English, French and German.

Dimitrios Skaftouros, Senior Partner

Attorney-at-Law, PhD(c) UoA, LLM UoA

Administrative and Energy Law Partner

Dimitrios Skaftouros is a Lawyer, PhD Candidate in Public Law of the National and Kapodistrian University of Athens from which he obtained a degree in Law (L.L.B.), specialized in Constitutional Law, Energy Law, Administrative Law, Public Policies and Political Systems. He specializes in issues related to the spectrum of Energy Law, Political Planning and Implementation of Public Policies, as well as issues of electoral nature. He is preparing his PhD thesis on Public Law, Social Rights and Energy Law at the National and Kapodistrian University of Athens. He also holds a Master's Degree (L.L.M.) in Public Law from the National and Kapodistrian University of Athens, where he has given rise to studies on social rights and applied policies. Finally, he holds a Master's Degree (M.A) in Political Systems and Public Policies from the University of Crete, during which he highlighted the correlation of the legal framework with applied and applicable policies in the ever-changing environment.

He has joined the teaching staff of the Centre for European Constitutional Law. He is a Senior Partner of Galanis & Associates Environmental Law Office.

He deals with cases of Administrative Law (Energy Law, Urban Planning Law, Social Protection Law, Tax, Social Security Law, etc.) and Constitutional Law.

He maintains a law office in Attica, from which he undertakes legal representation of cases throughout Greece.

He has handled Public Law cases and has undertaken the constant representation of the interests of many sociétés anonymes in administrative matters. The main pillar of reference of the cases is urban planning provisions, land use, expropriations,arbitrary constructions, energy legislation, just transition and lawsuit claims of the represented clients.

Furthermore, he has been involved in the financial, legal and administrative rationalization of sociétés anonymes and other corporate structures, as well as their representation before the Management and in national/supranational conferences.

He has authored and published numerous legal studies. His first publishing venture is in the procedure of being processed in conjunction with Dr. Panagiotis Galanis.

He has joined the teaching staff of the Center for European Constitutional Law, Themistocles and Dimitris Tsatsos Foundation, delivering teaching lectures on Forest Law, Forestry Misconduct, Cultural Law and Constructing Law Issues.He has participated with presentations in numerous conferences on related subjects in many Universities of the country, such as the National and Kapodistrian University of Athens, the University of Crete, the National Technical University of Athens, as well as the Panhellenic Association of Merchant Marine Captains. 

He speaks English, French, Turkish as well as the Greek Sign Language