Scientific Publications

Scientific studies - comments - opinions 

My writing activity 

As a lawyer, I am engaged in research and writing and have published numerous studies in legal journals of the legal publications of Greece.

Indicative recent publications 


  • Approval of intervention in public forest land.

  • Forest road opening and state obligations.
  • Photovoltaic installation in a Natura 2000 network area.
Studies and case law commentaries
  • Galanis P., Permissible interventions in reforestable areas: Looking to the past or to the future? Environment and Law 1/2019, pp. 13-23.
  • Galanis P./Anastopoulou E.K., The "polluter pays" principle in Greek Public Law: A re-evaluation of legal certainties? Journal of Administrative Law 2020, pp. 345-358.Galanis P., The constitutional framework of Spatial and Urban Planning: Environmental protection, fundamental principles of planning and good administration, modern jurisprudential application, Environment and Law 4/2020, pp. 574-588.
  • Galanis P., Protection of energy investments and the obligation of equal and fair treatment under the Energy Charter Treaty, OJ 8-9/2021, pp. 1056-1068.
  • Galanis P., Complex tourist accommodations in tourism and other legislation, Business 4/2021, pp. 334-943.
  • Galanis P., Commentary of the Council of Ministers 1906/2019 - Approval of the Integrated Development Plan (IDP) of the Metropolitan Pole of Hellinikon - Agios Kosmas of the Attica Region - Inability of incidental control of a forest designation act, EfimDD 4/2020, pp. 377-382.
  • Galanis P., Commentary of the Council of Ministers 775/2020 - Issues of forest map sanction / EPEA competence. THPDD 8-9/2020, pp. 785-787.
  • Galanis P., Public participation in the decision-making process for the licensing process of projects that affect the environment in the EU legal order, on the occasion of C-280/18 and comparison with the Aarhus Convention, Court of Justice 2/2020, pp. 186-189 .
  • Galanis P., Interconnection of Crete with the Hellenic Interconnected Electricity Transmission System: Environmental licensing issues on the occasion of the annotated CoE 1272/2019 (Department E'), PerDik 3/2019, pp. 450-474.