Presentation by P. Galanis at the Conference of the Municipality of Zacharos "Kaiafa Ecosystem - Kyparissia Gulf - Sustainable Development", on 11/6/2022 at Lake Kaifa, on the subject: "Environmental Licensing and Natura 2000 Network".
Our news (Law Office News/Seminars etc.)
In this section you will find in chronological order (from the newest to the oldest) all the legal and scientific news concerning the Law Office.
We would like to inform you that the new legal book by P. Galanis, "Public Law of Reforestation", will soon be published by Law Library.
with the Excerpt from the meeting of the Senate of the University of Western Macedonia with number 126/26-11-2020, Decision number: Γ5/Σ126/26-11-2020, "Approval of the Reformation of the Study Program in the Department of Accounting and Finance", P. Galanis's book "Modern Approaches to Environmental Law", 2020 became a suggested bibliography for...
Chapter by P. Galanis in a book distributed to the students of the University of Ioannina
It is announced that a study-chapter by the author P. Galani was included in the following book which is distributed to the students of the Univ. Ioannina.